When buying a new or used Jeep, we understand that sometimes it doesn't have everything you dreamed your Wrangler would have. One of the most common requests for our builds is quality leather. Because of this, we teamed up with Alea Leather to give you a wide variety of options from factory replacement leather to luxurious designs of modern supercars. With Alea Leather, you get a top grain Italian leather from the start. However, we do offer an upgrade to Nappa leather which is widely known as the best sourced leather in the automotive industry. Have a question about a certain pattern or design you would like? Give us a call at 828-675-8789 or e-mail us at sales@rubitrux.com.
If you aren’t sure where to start, give our Jeep experts a call to learn what Leather Interior Pieces are best for your setup. Lowest Price Guaranteed. Free Shipping With Most Items.