The Warn 101255 Winch Plate for the Wrangler JL and Gladiator JT factory installed steel bumper allows for easy installation and is built to the Warn specified 1/4" thick plate steel. The plate installs quickly and easily to factory locations already on the Jeep and requires no modification or drilling. A black textured finish coat is applied on this winch mount and it not only adds quality protection from the elements but matches the color of the factory steel bumper on the Gladiator JT and Wrangler JL and will provide quality and lasting performance for years to come.
Warn 101255 Winch Mount Plate; Wrangler JL & Gladiator JT w/ Steel Bumper Group
Mounted up easily, very well constructed, the Badlands Apex 12000 winch bolted right up to it, did everything it had promised. I highly recommend it. Makes me feel safer if I was to have a front end collision.
Warn 101255 Winch Mount Plate; Wrangler JL & Gladiator JT w/ Steel Bumper Group
Mounted the Warn Zeon 10S Winch with the Warn 101255 winch plate on my 2019 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon steel bumper. Fit great, a little tight getting to the four inside frame bolts on installation.
Warn 101255 Winch Mount Plate; Wrangler JL & Gladiator JT w/ Steel Bumper Group
After reviewing the available mounts for my 2020 Gladiator Rubicon, I settled on the Warn mount. It is slightly more expensive than competitors, but much more substantially designed and constructed. I am not an engineer, but I have built and broke enough things to know proper design and construction when I see it. The plate fit perfectly, no slop, no fuss and when bolted up integrates very well with the factory bumper and skid plate. Very satisfied with this mount..